Thursday, September 29, 2016

Basic Globorial Test Game

Mind you, this was me messing around for just a few minutes, but I was able to change a few things.

I have a history with coding as I dabbled in it my freshman year of college. Mostly, this was in Game Maker Language as I felt I would want to be a Computer Science major. While I decided against this, I still have an active interest in the art.

Dabbling into it again, I relearned what functions are, for example. Or the basic setup for a line in JavaScript. Very interesting.

At some point soon, I will be going back into Globorial to make a full-length game for fun since this one came out short. When I have time to dedicate to this, it can be an actual game! Yay!
Juxtaposition Assignment:
Hello, everyone!

For this juxtaposition assignment, we were to collect two images that commonly do not fit together and clash them together for some interesting reason. In this case, it was not for comedic purposes, but to juxtapose two separate issues:
1) The commonly held belief that humans are not actual animals.
2) To show just how fragile the line between our civilized society and the more instinctual one of "lesser" animals is. In other words, to show how our society (not taking evolution into account) has made us the beings we are and how easy it is for a human to be savage.

This idea was inspired by the Pink Floyd record Animals.
Face Trace Assignment:

      For this assignment, I opened up Adobe Illustrator and decided my model for this would be the one and only Bruce Dickinson from Iron Maiden. This is for a myriad of reasons, but he is simply one of my favorite vocalists in one of my favorite bands. Apart from this, he is a very interesting person.
     Aside from using Illustrator and picking my image, I used the brush tool to outline Dickinson. To fill in those lines, I frequented the dropper tool to sample the colors from the actual photograph to paint my version with the brush tool. This was a very fun assignment!

Thursday, September 15, 2016

15 September, 2016

Hello Everyone!

Over the past week, an assignment my class had was to make a personal logo. Heavily inspired by a previous logo design I had done, this one almost made itself in conception. I immediately thought of the old Commodore computers logo and, looking at the design, I think of old NES cartridges as well. Pretty neat! Let me know what you think.


Thursday, September 8, 2016

September 8, 2016

Hey, Everyone!

     Over the past week, I did some work on text manipulation in class. Our goal was to make three completely different illustrations of our initials. Mine being S.A.M., I went to work by accessing Photoshop (Thank you, Adobe) and utilizing the Layers tab to change the layer style of different sets of initials.
      The bottom set that you see was made by using a smooth bevel and emboss layer, having a static-like texture over the characters, having a thick yellow stroke around the lettering, and a drop shadow to permeate around the perimeter of the text. The text itself was manipulated with the warp tool for a fish-eye affect.
     The top left one that you see has a wavy contour and smooth bevel and emboss to it. As well, the text has been warped.It has an outside black stroke to make t pop out, an orange inner glow, and a blue color overlay.
     Finally, our top right set of initials have been beveled and embossed as well with a diagonal contour, has a dark inner shadow, has a red color overlay, and a deep overhead drop shadow. The text has not been warped.
     For a small project to acquaint myself with Photoshop text tools, I feel happy with the small amount of progress!

Thanks for listening and have a great day!