Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Video Project

Hello Everyone!

I wanted to take the opportunity to post my video project for people to see! My class wanted to engage each other with short one to two minute videos about ourselves, sharing accomplishments, hobbies, goals, and the like. For my own, I used Adobe Premiere Pro to tackle my passions, my goals, my experiences, and more with photos and videos thrown in for good measure!

There were issues with rendering roughly halfway through the video that could not be fixed at the present time, but this is a work in progress. The work can still be seen, however.

I Hope You Enjoy!

Monday, December 12, 2016

Holiday Card

 Hello Everyone!

     Our Digital Media class recently decided to create cards to sell, the proceeds of which would go to a local charity of our choosing and our college's Art Department. For my own, I wanted to do something for Christmas that would be funny, but not too inappropriate. It should be something designed to sell and make people smile.
     For my design, I went with a classic Santa design inspired by many I saw online. I decided to go with a New Year's resolution joke and food joke in one since Santa loves cookies, you know. I used the paint brush at a size of 125 for the beard with flecks of brown for the cookie crumbs. I then created his nose with an ellipse tool and the band of his hat with a rounded rectangle. I drew the decoration on his hat and his eyes easily before finally finishing with the ellipse tool for the cookie. I wanted the text to be "Christmas-y" so used green text in a Blackadder ITC style.

I Hope You Enjoy It!

Happy Holidays!

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Elmore the Cool Blues Cat

Hello All!

     My Digital Media class very recently engaged in creating logos for our college's own Cadillac Daddy Cafe. When one of these designs was picked, we were also told to create a "blues cat" mascot for the cafe. For my own, I looked both to iconic cat character designs such as Felix the Cat, Sylvester from Looney Tunes, and Garfield as well as blues cat designs I saw across the internet.
     For this particular design, I call him Elmore the Cool Blues Cat, I followed Aaron's basic design idea of using a colored outline. For a bluesy feel, I made his outline blue, gave him a cool hat in the same vain as the Blues Brothers, and have him lining up against the car in his design. Due to a strange issue with his image, I was unable to add my own design to his. His design shows up splotchy on my computer and in the downloaded image file. My main goal with Elmore was to create a design that both followed Aaron's original vision as well as to create a character that looks timeless.

I hope you like him!